What is included

    1. (Handouts) The Cell

    2. The Cell

    3. Quiz (The Cell)

    4. Your experience!

    1. The nervous system

    2. AP 2-2- The Nervous System and The Brain

    3. Quiz (The Nervous System)

    4. Your experience!

    1. Video - (The Endocrine System)

    2. Video - Menopause & Andropause

    3. AP 2-3 The Endocrine System

    4. Quiz (The Endocrine System)

    5. Pregnancy & Essential Oils!

    6. Your experience!

    1. The Respiratory System

    2. The Respiratory System

    3. Quiz (The Respiratory System)

    1. The Skin and Its Appendages

    2. The Skin and it Appendages

    3. Quiz (The Skin & Appendages)

    1. 2-6 -The Skeletal System June2020

    2. A & P -THE SKELETON

    3. THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM.June 2020

    4. A & P The Muscular System

    5. Muscular Skeletal Quiz

    6. The Skeleton

Module 3

  • Anatomy and Physiology Module This module covers the systems and structures of the body according to the CFA's core curriculum. Also addressing the major pathologies according to the systems and aromatherapy treatments and applications.